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Bliss Classification Association Annual General Meeting and Annual Lecture
23 October 2009 at 2.15 p.m.

University College London, 188 Tottenham Court Road, London, WC1 in Room SB5

Putting Bliss on the Web; ways of representing faceted classifications

The Bliss Bibliographic Classification is currently the only major system of documentary classification not to have a web version. Although some draft schedules are available as documents on the website, and machine files are maintained for editorial purposes, there is no version of BC2 that takes advantage of the functionality of the web or uses a common format. Recent work has focused on ways in which this might be achieved, either through the development of in-house software, or through the use and adaptation of some standard representation language, such as SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organization System). Some interesting challenges are presented by the complexity of the relationships in a faceted scheme, as outlined by Leonard Will in a talk given at the 2008 AGM, but which, if solutions can be found, promise a higher level of semantic value.

rtredSpeakers included Tamara Lopez (Centre for Computing in the Humanities, King's College, London) and Richard Light, XML consultantltred


For further details, contact:

Vanda Broughton, Hon. Secretary, Bliss Classification Association
School of Library, Archives & Information Studies
University College London
Gower Street, LONDON WC1E 6BT
Tel.: +44 (0)20 7679 2291
E-mail: V.Broughton@ucl.ac.uk

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